
Die Klassen der deutschsprachigen Sektion in der Nursery und der Primarstufe haben sich in diesem Schuljahr von den vier Elementen leiten lassen. Mit Experimenten, Ausflügen, praktischen Arbeiten, Liedern, Gedichten, Kunstarbeiten ... haben die Kinder sich der Thematik genähert. 

Ein paar Impressionen haben wir in einem Buch zusammengefasst.

Viele Spaß beim Lesen!

Christine Zukunft im Namen der deutschsprachigen Sektion der Primarstufe

School Garden

This year, one of the aims of the ESF Sustainability Committee was to build a school garden. Planning for this project started in the beginning of the school year of 2021/2022, and we are very pleased to announce that it was completed in May of the same year. The garden consists of three large garden beds, and is open to any students of the ESF. We hope that it will have a lasting impact on the school community. In the future it can be used by classes from S1 to S7 in various subjects to explore topics like plant growth, seasonal food, and sustainable farming, and it will provide an opportunity for students to investigate their relationship with their local environment. Special thanks go to this year’s sustainability representatives: Dominik Birkel from S7 and Jonas Hermans from S6, for their initiative, and to Ms. Becker, without whose tireless support, resources, and encouragement this project would not have been possible.

MEC 2022

The MEC is a simulation of the European Council, that is being hosted by a different European School every year. Delegates are coming from all European Schools and each school represents two European countries. Head of states together with the other delegates represent their respective country during the plenary sessions and in the councils.

This year the MEC took place in Munich and I was part of the Spanish delegation. It was exciting to dive into the role of a politician for several days, having to represent my country’s interests. Listening to a speech from Ursula von der Leyen, forming alliances with delegates and answering questions from the press - at some point you forget that this is a simulation. At the same time you get to know many other likeminded students from other European Schools, which is one of the best aspects of the MEC in my opinion. In three days you will get a perfect mix of politics, free time and understand how Europe‘s future is formed in reality.

I would clearly recommend attending the MEC to everyone who is interested in politics or simply wants to try something new. This was a great experience and I have learned a lot.

by Krisztián Szendrey

The Model European Council is a realistic simulation of a European summit of ministers and heads of government. It is a huge and very complex role play. The students, who take the role of the respective ministers and heads of government of the different countries, debate and decide on the drafts drafted by students representing the European Commission. Each European school sends 10 young people to the MEC, each representing two EU member states. In addition, all the ministers are joined by journalists who write for different newspapers. They comment on the summit in their articles, just like in real life. This way, as ministers and heads of government, you learn how to deal with the persistent press.

This year it was held in Munich, and we represented the countries Denmark and Spain. This event was a great experience because you learnt a lot about the European Council, for example how to vote on the proposed drafts. I think it was a challenge to put myself in the role of a delegate, because it is not an easy task. Also, I can debate much better now than before, because I know exactly how to formulate good arguments and how to make them prevail over others.
by Sophia Ritter

Happy Europe Day from Nursery!

Schreibfest 2022 - spanische Kindergartenklasse

In den Monaten Februar und März hat die spanische Kindergartenklasse aktiv am Schreibfest 2022 teilgenommen. Alles begann damit, dass wir einen mysteriösen Brief erhielten, der uns aufforderte, Nachforschungen über den Künstler Salvador Dalí anzustellen und uns vorschlug, ein Museum über ihn zu gründen. Wir haben viel über Dalí und seine surrealistische Kunst gelernt. Wir liebten es! Also haben wir uns entschieden, unsere eigenen surrealistischen Gemälde zu schaffen, indem wir uns neue Welten, Situationen vorstellen oder absurde Ideen zusammenstellen, um fantastische, aber schöne Gemälde zu schaffen. Schließlich haben wir mit unserer Vorstellungskraft hart gearbeitet, um einige lustige Reime zusammenzustellen und Geschichten zu entwerfen, die jedes unserer Gemälde illustrieren können.

 Alles war bereit und wir eröffneten endlich unser surrealistisches Museum für Malerei und Geschichten… aber wir wollten unsere Erfahrungen teilen, also schickten wir sie an unsere Eltern und Lehrer und hatten auch einen Online-Videoanruf mit Nursery ES in der Europäischen Schule Brüssel 3. Wir haben ihre Geschichten gehört und wir hatten die Chance, unsere mit unseren Freunden in Belgien zu teilen.

 Wir hatten Spaß, aber das Wichtigste, wir haben gelernt, dass Kreativität mit Anstrengung und Motivation Grenzen überschreiten kann!!


Mr. Moreno - N ES

Wir sind kleine und große Dichter

World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21 March. Its purpose is to promote the reading, writing, publishing, and teaching of poetry. This year Primary L1-MTT students took part in this celebration by creating their own poetry book Wir sind kleine und große Dichter.


The Student Events Committee of the European School Frankfurt organised a Charity Spelling Test shortly before the winter holidays to raise money for the Deutsche Krebshilfe. We wanted to thank everyone who contributed and donated. Together, all the L2 classes managed to collect 3713.98€!


Who are we?

Our school has 5 different committees (Sports, Social Media, Sustainability, Design and Events) which are each composed of a director and a co-director, as well as class representatives and other students who are interested. Each committee meets once a week to discuss and exchange ideas concerning school projects and events. This way every member of the student body has the opportunity to contribute new ideas and be involved in the events at our school.

We are the Events committee. This is the committee in charge of organizing all kinds of events at our school: from parties and costume days to charity events and fundraisers. Clearly, the health and safety measures introduced by our school as well as the Health Ministry due to the covid-19 pandemic have significantly impacted our plans for the school. Despite this, we have made it our priority to organize covid-friendly events that bring together the school community and raise money for charity without risking our safety. Therefore, we decided to organise a Charity Spelling Test.


What is a Charity Spelling Test?

Spelling tests are a natural part of any student's school career. Whether it was in L1, L2 or even L3, every student has sat down to memorise the spelling of words at least once during their education at this school. A spelling test is something that every class can do, from S1 to S7, in their own time with their teachers. This led us to believe that with a little imagination, we could transform a familiar Spelling Test into a fundraising event where each student would have the opportunity to donate to the Krebshilfe Charity.

Firstly, we had to find a teacher who would be willing to offer their support, so that we would be able to contact all teachers and organise the Spelling Test properly. Mrs Ehrler was happy to help; so we immediately started planning. We created sponsor sheets with the purpose of encouraging each student to ask family members, teachers, and friends to sponsor their spelling test, promising to give them a certain amount of money for each correctly spelled word. This way students would also be encouraged to learn the words which their teachers provided them with, enhancing and improving their vocabulary.


What is the Krebshilfe?

The Krebshilfe Deutschland is a German charity whose aim is to improve the lives of people who are diagnosed with cancer. The charity helps those affected, advises them and their relatives and offers information free of charge. We chose this charity because we, as a school community, are aware of how this disease can affect students and their families and we wanted to show our support for them.


We wanted to sincerely thank all the teachers, students and parents who contributed, donated, and made this charity event possible. We managed to raise an amazing sum of 3713.98€! We are enormously proud to donate this money to the Deutsche Krebshilfe and hope to improve the lives of many cancer patients.

International Greek Language Day

February 9th was officially declared International Greek Language Day in 2017, after a respective proposal of the Diaspora Greeks of Southern Italy. The date was selected because it coincides with the remembrance day of Greece’s National poet Dionysios Solomos who wrote the national anthem, titled ”Hymn to Liberty”.

The International Greek Language Day aims to highlight the fundamental role of Greek in the shaping of the Western civilization throughout the centuries. Being the carrier of scientific theories, philosophical concepts, literary works, it established logic, human ideals and values.

Greek language has been spoken continuously for 40 centuries and has been written with the same alphabet for 28 centuries. It has also maintained the same spelling rules for 24 centuries.13,5 million Greeks speak it today, and thousands of words are widely borrowed in other languages.

With regard to this year’s celebration, students made posters with Greek words used in English and German and painted Homer’s portrait. The portrait presented here is the work of Aglaia-Anastasia Karamani, S4ENB.

Also, the ESF Greek teachers, Ioannis Syrris and Aikaterini Petropoulou, created an online game where students could explore the journey of greek words through the languages of the European family by playing a challenging game. Thus, they discovered how words from different languages correlate to each other due to their common Greek origin and how some Greek ones altered during their travel. In this sense it became clear that languages are not 'foreign', they are international. As far as we study them and find common roots and meanings, we define our common culture.

You can check your knowledge with the Quiz game.

Christmas Lab

On the last Monday before Christmas the ESF organised a special Christmas lab session in which 28 students from S1-S3 from all 4 sections participated. Students had a great time while learning the science behind fireworks and artificial snow.

Weihnachtliche Klänge

Weihnachtliche Klänge empfangen Mitarbeiter und SchülerInnen am Morgen. Mitgewirkt haben die S4-Band, SchhülerInnen und Lehrkräfte.

Vielen Dank an unsere MusikerInnen

Video (mit ESF-Benutzerkonto):

Autumn Leaves, 3:27, ca. 500 MB

All I want for Christmas is you, 3:11, ca. 500 MB