Admnistrative Board

Each school shall have an Administrative Board, whose composition and responsibilities are governed by Articles 19 and 20 of the Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools.

In accordance with the Convention, the Secretary-General of the European Schools shall chair the Administrative Board. In the absence of the Secretary-General, the Administrative Board shall be chaired by his/her Deputy or, failing that, by the representative of the Commission of the European Communities.

The Administrative Board shall meet twice during the school year as convened by its Chair. Extraordinary meetings may be convened if need be by the Chair or at the request of at least three members. The organisation of meetings of the Administrative Board shall be laid down in rules of procedure drawn up and adopted by the Board

The decisions of the Administrative Board shall be taken by consensus as far as possible. If the Chair of the Administrative Board finds that it is impossible to reach a consensus, he/she may put the question to the vote. Decisions shall be adopted by a simple majority of the members present who are entitled to vote.

The following shall be entitled to vote: the Chair, the Director of the school, the representative of the Commission of the European Communities, the members representing the teaching staff, the members representing the Parents’ Association, the representative of the administrative and ancillary staff and the organisations referred to in Articles 28 and 29 of the Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools to which the Board of Governors has granted a seat and a vote. The Chair shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie. Participants with observer status shall not vote.