Educational Support

Summary of Support Programme:

It can happen that any child may need support at some time during their schooling. Different forms and levels of support are provided, designed to ensure appropriate help for pupils experiencing difficulties and having special educational needs at any point in their school career, to allow them to develop and progress according to their potential and to be successfully integrated. 

In order to meet the needs of individual pupils on the basis of early identification of those needs, a variety of teaching methods are used. Where normal differentiation is not sufficient schools provide a range of support structures. 
The types of educational support provided are:

  • General
  • Moderate 
  • Intensive

Pupils may experience difficulty in a particular aspect of a subject, may need to ‘catch up’ for different reasons or may have a mild learning difficulty or special needs. Support is flexible and varies as a pupil develops and his or her needs change. 

Our Support Policy is based on the European Schools official documents:

  • Provision of Educational Support in the European Schools - Procedural document (2012-05-D15-en-14)
  • Policy on the Provision of Educational Support and Inclusive Education (2012-05-D-14-en-10)
  • Action Plan Educational Support and Inclusive Education (2018-12-D-34-en-5)

Support Coordinator Nursery and Primary

Julie Murphy: