
Viva a Liberdade!

Viva a Liberdade!

No âmbito das comemorações dos 50 Anos da Revolução dos Cravos, os alunos portugueses do PP ao P5 participaram numa oficina criativa com André Sousa e Ioli Georgila em que transformaram o lápis azul da censura usado pelos ditadores em lápis da liberdade, atribuindo cada grupo palavras ao seu lápis que serviu para decorar a montra da livraria lusófona TFM.


Es lebe die Freiheit!

Im Rahmen der Feierlichkeiten zum 50. Jahrestag der Nelkenrevolution nahmen die portugiesischen Schüler von PP bis P5 an einem Kreativ-Workshop mit André Sousa und Ioli Georgila teil, in dem sie den blauen Stift der Zensur, der von den Diktatoren benutzt wurde, in einen Stift der Freiheit verwandelten, wobei jede Gruppe ihrem Stift Wörter zuordnete, mit denen das Schaufenster der portugiesisch-sprachigen Buchhandlung TFM geschmückt wurde.

Adélia Silva


Model European Council

The Model European Council (MEC) is a simulation of the real European Council organised across the entire European School system. As students of the ESF we were given the task of representing Spain and Latvia in this event and found it both enriching and enjoyable.
The primary aim of MEC was to provide a hands-on experience in politics, enabling us to grasp the functioning of the European Council firsthand. This was done through intense research that allowed for interesting discussions which helped us to better understand the political stances of each country in the EU.
A major highlight of this experience was working within the premises of the European Convention Centre in Luxembourg. This EU institution created an authentic experience for us students and allowed us all to fully immerse ourselves in our roles as politicians. Another standout moment was the speech delivered by Jean-Claude Juncker at the final ceremony of the event. Hearing the words (although in French) of such an experienced politician gave us invaluable insights into EU affairs and sparked our further interest in the complicated field of politics.
Overall, our participation in MEC not only broadened our knowledge but also taught us skills in diplomacy, negotiation, and showed us what it means to reach a consensus. We are all very grateful to have been given the opportunity of participating in MEC and wish all future ESF participants luck! 

by Yana Nikolova

Fobizz Certificate

The ESF has offered teachers and staff to take part in a variety of different in-service-trainings offered by the platform fobizz, giving them the opportunity to choose from a wide range of courses on AI, digital tools, teaching approaches, etc.

fobizz honours schools that are particularly committed to digital education and awarded the ESF with the label “fobizz-Schule – Digital fit für die Zukunft”.

Mathematik-Olympiade – die zweite Runde

Schüler der Europäischen Schule Frankfurt nehmen an einer Vielzahl von Wettbewerben im Laufe des Schuljahres teil.

Zu Beginn des Schuljahres wird die erste Runde der Mathematik-Olympiade als freiwilliger Haus­aufgaben­wettbewerb für alle deutschsprachigen Schüler aller Klassen P5-S7 angeboten. Die zweite Runde, für die man sich bei entsprechender Leistung qualifiziert, findet als Klausurprüfung in der Aula statt.

Dieses Jahr hatten sich respektable 49 SchülerInnen für die anspruchsvolle zweite Runde qualifiziert, wir gratulieren herzlich besonders den folgenden SchülerInnen, die jeweils Jahrgangssieger wurden:

P5 – Karl Tender

S1 – Lioba Philipp

S2 – Maila Peters und Irene Mathea

S3 – Sebastian Schlüter

S4 – Johannes Mihm

S5 –Matteo Grittini

S6 – Felix Klein

S7 – David Esguevillas

Das Foto zeigt die diesjährigen Jahrgangssieger bei der Verleihung der Urkunden mit Herr Patscheider, Frau Clancy und Frau Werani und den entsprechenden Mathematiklehrerinnen. (Auf dem Foto fehlt Sebastian Schlüter).

Besonders stolz sind wir in diesem Jahr auf Lioba Philipp, die, als eine der 10 Besten ihres Jahrgangs, eine Einladung zur Landesrunde des Wettbewerbs Ende Februar an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen erhalten hat.

Wir wünschen Lioba viel Freude und Erfolg bei dieser tollen Veranstaltung!

Zweites Buddytreffen S1 und S4

Zum zweiten Mal in diesem Schuljahr trafen sich die Buddys der S1 und S4, um gemeinsam an einem Projekt zu arbeiten. 

Nachdem sie sich beim ersten Buddytreffen kennen gelernt haben und ein kleines Bastelprojekt (Glücksstein für den Buddy) zusammen gestaltet haben, konnten sie sich am 15. Dezember an der Wohltätigkeitsaktion „Post mit Herz“ beteiligen. Zusammen schrieben die Schülerinnen und Schüler fünf Weihnachtskarten an verschiedene Seniorenheime in ganz Deutschland, von Rostock über den hessischen Odenwald bis nach Hamburg ging die Post für die älteren Leute. Die Aktion setzt sich insbesondere für Senioren ein, deren Briefkästen in der Weihnachtszeit leer bleiben, weil es keine Freunde oder Verwandten mehr gibt. 

Außerdem wurde Weihnachtsschmuck gebastelt, der nun einige Fenster der Büros und Klassenzimmer der ESF dekoriert.

Organisiert wurde das Buddytreffen vom Counselling Team der ESF. Dies sind Beratungslehrer aus allen Sektionen, die Schülerinnen und Schüler unterstützend zur Seite stehen.

Der tägliche Treffpunkt für einen Beratungslehrer ist immer der Chatroom in C040 zu Schultagen von 10.50–11.10 Uhr.

Liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler kommt einfach vorbei, wenn ihr Hilfe braucht!

Ilona Barke und Dejan Kramžar Counselling Team ESF

[Photos: Dejan Kramžar]

Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr

The Planets' Christmas Dance

Why study the Solar System in boring textbooks? Why not build it instead and learn how it works by having fun painting, drawing and assembling it? After asking ourselves these questions, we decided to build a Solar System... with a Christmas theme! After much thought, we thought it would be great (and just as much fun). We look up on a beautiful starry night and dancing celestial bodies appear: they are the planets of the Solar System.

They dance around us every day of the year. Their name, in fact, derives from the Greek planetes meaning 'wandering', 'wandering' because in the sky they seem to change their position relative to the fixed stars.

The ancient Greeks thought they were the gods of Olympus who danced and danced their way through human affairs. 

Thus we have Venus, the brightest planet, in honour of the goddess of beauty; the one that moves fastest was given the name Mercury, messenger of the gods; Mars, a reddish-coloured planet, the name of the god of war; Jupiter, the largest planet, was paired with the most important deity of mythology, the king of Olympus; Saturn, which was the farthest away, was chosen as the father god of Jupiter and other deities. Uranus is the god of the sky and Neptune the god of the seas.

They wish us 'Merry Christmas' in a garland of flowers made from toilet paper rolls.

A sustainable project according to the dictates of Agenda 2030creates a model of the Solar System surrounded by a Christmas garland. 

The project is super eco-friendly, as we used toilet paper rolls to make the garland, while the planets are made of DAS.

We wanted to combine science, art and Christmas all together in one project. 

For Christmas, we proposed the dance of the planets in the night sky. The planets were constructed and coloured in accordance with their physical characteristics and size.

Flipbook: The Planet's Christmas Dance (in Italian)

S2ITA Prof.ssa Longo

Christmas circuit

The students of class S1 in the Italian section, with the help of the integrated science teacher and the laboratory assistant, have built the "Christmas circuit!".

We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year!

Click here for a short video about building the circuit (in mp4 format).

L1 MTT Special Project

This school year L1 MTT has a special project on literacy with several activities that started on the literacy day in September and will go on until the end of the school year.

On the 8th of December the SWALS pupils of the P4 met all together, along with the P5 pupils, for a special moment of poetry about Christmas time. After the presentation there was time to celebrate with many contributions from pupils and teachers to a buffet of sweets and punch or tea.

Adélia Silva

Lampedusa project - We are on the same boat

Protect people, no borders

On the 3rd of October 2013, 368 migrants lost their lives in a shipwreck a few miles off the coast of Lampedusa. There were 155 survivors, including 41 minors.

That was not the first nor the last tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea, but for the first time the sea returned the many bodies of the victims and made visible, bringing right before our eyes, what happens almost daily at sea.

Following that tragedy in 2013, the Comitato 3 Ottobre, a non-profit organisation, was created with the aim of having that date recognised as a 'Day of Memory and Hospitality' at both national and European level, in the conviction that raising awareness and providing information on migration issues is a first step to changing the direction of current European policies.

The mission of the Committee of 3 October is to obtain the opening of humanitarian corridors and the activation of legal and safe entry channels for migrants fleeing wars, dictatorships and misery, as well as to guarantee a dignified reception of migrants and paths of social inclusion.

A Europe of Rights #10annidindifferenza is the slogan chosen by the Committee of 3 October for the initiatives of the 10th Anniversary of the ‘Day  of Memory and Hospitality’, that took place from 30 September to 4 October 2023 in Lampedusa and was attended by 60 schools, 8 of which from other European countries.

Also this year, the European School Frankfurt joined the event, represented by 10 students of S7 accompanied by Mr Alessandro Zangrossi and the school's director Mr Ferdinand Patscheider. Together with other 350 students from all over Europe, cultural mediators, volunteers, and experts in international law, they took part in 23 workshops conducted by various humanitarian associations and NGOs such as the UNCHR, Save the Children, Médecins sans Frontières, Amnesty International and the Scuola Superiore San'Anna di Pisa.

"Spending those days in Lampedusa meant for us a different look at the phenomenon of migration. We could see at first-hand what happens to people who try to flee their countries and the motivations that push them to leave, in most cases because of war. Moreover, we were able to understand, through stories, workshops, interviews, and testimonies, how refugees feel when they arrive in the host country. We also understood in detail how States operate in receiving refugees. We did also participate in the march of Memory to remember the victims of the shipwreck of 3 October 2013, it was a very touching moment but full of hope for the future. It was an emotional and difficult experience, but also necessary and educational for us. Lampedusa is the core of this topic and attending this event gave us the task of raising awareness in turn and disseminating this initiative! Although it is a huge challenge, we are convinced that with everyone's cooperation and commitment we can strive for a better future."

(Edoardo Di Buono, Viola Castellazzi, Bruno De Martino, Hanna-Felicia Rosati Åberg, Fiamma D’Alò, Matteo Fontana, Pablo Legendre, Manuela Masoni, Alessandro Maraschi, Tommaso Morlupi)

Protect people, no borders

That is, to understand that we are all 'in the same boat': women, men, children who cross the Mediterranean from North Africa and the Middle East to try to get to Europe; but also European citizens, because humanity cannot be stopped, separated and sometimes erased by borders, patrol boats and walls.

Basketball tournament

A few days ago, on Sunday October 1st, the traditional basketball school cup took place in the Süwag Arena, with the ESF once again participating. 

The tournament was thrilling from the first tip-off to the final buzzer, and the atmosphere was great.

The first game kicked off with the ESF playing against Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Schule (GCLS). The ESF gained the upper hand, emerging victorious with a commanding score of 35-6. The ESF players' coordinated efforts and precision on both ends of the court left GCLS struggling to keep pace.

After the half-time performance, the ESF played the finals against Kopernikus Schule. This game was tough and players were nervous, with the score being mostly even for the duration of the match. Unfortunately, at the end, when the score was tied - 15:15, Kopernikus Schule gained one point after a defensive foul by one of our players and won the finals.

As a player, I really enjoyed playing in the tournament. 

Written by Andrej Mišík

Futura ad praeterita: food from the past for the future

What will we eat in the future? Perhaps insects? Artificial meat? Or will we continue as we do today? 

These are the questions that the students of ESF's Italian classes S4 and S3 asked themselves after attending the Symposium "Italian Women Scientists at School", organised by the Italian Consulate and held by a CREA researcher on nutrition. This gave rise to the 'Futura ad praeterita' Science Project.

Science and literature come together in a journey that takes us back to the past and to our roots: ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

There is talk of synthetic and sustainable biology, there is talk of epigenetics, but we do not realise that the ancients, without knowing the meaning of these words, had already understood that only by living close to nature and according to its dictates could one achieve aurea mediocritas. We look for the solution in the future, we exploit the planet's resources, but we forget the teachings of the maiorum and historia, magistra vitae.

It is always a challenge to connect young people with the ancient and keep the dialogue between past and present alive on a daily basis, but not an impossible one: we kneaded the knowledge, declined the skills in various (s)formats and with various tools, waited patiently for the results (because the time we allow for the assimilation and leavening of what we have learnt is already the key to success) and finally... we fed on the knowledge acquired.

From Trimalchio's 'great binge' to the Catullian frugality and poverty of dishes based on the 'Mediterranean triad' (Cenabis bene, mi Fabulle, apud me... si tecum attuleris bonam atque magnam cenam, .... nam tui catulli plenus sacculus est aranearum).

Recipes, authors, literary and non-literary texts, linguistic reflection and social contexts, anecdotes and curiosities.... in the series: Primum vivere, deinde philosophari!

And thanks to the team of international reporters, authors of extraordinary interviews in English and German, such as the one with Aemilius Lavius, top baker in Ancient Rome, and Agathinos Lysimachus, top baker in Ancient Athens.


But the story continues.......

Yes, as promised at the end of the 2022/2023 school year, our exploration of the past for the future continues with a new instalment dedicated to archaeo-kitchen, but not only. Thanks to an initiative of the Consulate General of Italy in Frankfurt, on the morning of 17 November 2023, Simona Carosi, Head of Archaeological Excavations for the Province of Viterbo and Southern Etruria, and Carlo Casi, Scientific Director of the Archaeological Park of Vulci and author of 'Ancient Cuisine', will be guests at the European School. 

Both of them, experts in Etruscan-Roman food, will be in Germany on the occasion of the 'Eighth Week of Italian Cuisine in the World', organised by the Frankfurt Consulate in collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Society of Darmstadt and Würzburg.  

The ESF students are well aware of the theme linking the various events of this articulated initiative: "Flavours of Italy. Rediscovering ancient cuisine and well-being with taste: at the table with ancient recipes'. At the meeting on 17 November, in a multi-voice dialogue, the students of the Italian Section will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the topics they have studied and at the same time discover new professional horizons, in view of their future choice. Archaeology: why not? Being an archaeologist or archaeologist today means working in an international dimension that is increasingly multimedia, digital and scientifically plural. Futura ad Praeterita, then: the path of antiquity leads directly to the future. All we need to do is learn how to find it.  

Teachers: Longo, Cavallo, Sancassano, Cannata

Flipbook 1: Our recipes (in Italian)
Flipbook 2: The food of the future and... in our past (in Italian)

Avec ou sans eau ?

C’est sur l’invitation de La Grande Lessive® que la section francophone de l’ESF a rebondi ! 

Ce jeudi 19 octobre, parés de leurs pinces à linge, tous les élèves de l’école primaire et maternelle se sont réunis pour suspendre leur œuvre. 

Une guirlande artistique a coloré et égayé le passage des étudiants et enseignants de l’école. 

La météo a ajouté sa goutte d’eau puisque les œuvres sont restées suspendues 24h bravant les caprices de l’automne ! 


Cette installation éphémère se tient deux fois dans l’année, le jeudi, en mars et en octobre. 

Elle a rassemblé cette fois-ci 130 pays et 13 400 000 participants ! 

Donc, rendez-vous dans 6 mois ! 

La section francophone

Success in Kangourou contest

It has become a tradition that all sections of the European School Frankfurt annually participate in the Kangourou, an international mathematics competition. This event, which is divided into national and linguistic sections, is aimed at presenting the discipline from a different perspective than the usual school approach. Students from all over the world learn to 'play with mathematics', testing themselves through mathematical logic.

This year, a student from the Italian section, Tancredi Lo Coco, achieved outstanding results in the 'Ecolier' category of the Italian Kangourou. After an excellent placement in the first competition, which took place locally last March, the student qualified for the semifinals, for which the European School was assigned to Lugano, Switzerland. Having also passed this selection at the end of May, he then went on to the final round in Cervia, on the Adriatic Riviera on September 23, finishing 20th among all participants in the final competition.

Heartfelt congratulations to Tancredi: bravo!

Our students live in Finnish radio programme

On Sunday 18. 6. 2023, European School students Ronja Laakkonen and Viljami Peltonen were in charge in the studio of Sisu-radio, German Finnish radio channel. We met in the studio of Radio X in Bockenheim, where SISU-radio has a radio program every Sunday in Finnish language.

Topics included school, hobbies, midsummer and love for grandparents. The live broadcast and the real radio station were a bit nervous, but our young journalists got a great experience of what it's like to make a real radio broadcast.

Ronja and Viljami planned the content of the program together at school during the schooldays. Because the radio broadcast was live, they have to also learn beforehand some radio phrases and discuss on the structure of the program. They made this part of the project apparently well, because the Sisu-radios editor-in-charge Päivi Kantti and Vaula Aalto were visibly satisfied with the performance of our students.

The project was an interesting and instructive experience for both students and for the teacher.

Jouko Isometsä (L1-Finnish teacher)

KiVa information

The European School Frankfurt/Primary joined the KiVa program in February 2016. The Secondary school’s S1 and S2-classes joined in October 2022. Each school year, Primary and Secondary school pupils will receive special KiVa lessons. These lessons normally begin with Kick Off Event. In the Secondary school this event takes place in October, introducing the program to our new students in S1 and reinforcing the anti-bullying message in S2.

The members of the KiVa team are Ms. Korpimäki (Coordinator), Ms. Cerati, Ms. Crimaldi, Ms. Humphries, Ms. Połońska, Ms. Rathei, Mr. Reuter and Mr. Zangrossi. The task of this team is, together with the class teacher, to tackle any cases of bullying that come to light. The KiVa team works closely with all the Secondary school teachers, the school psychologist, the educational advisors and the school management.

If you suspect that your child is being subjected to bullying or have reason to believe that he/she is bullying others, don’t hesitate to contact the KiVa team so that the matter can be dealt with as quickly and effectively as possible. You can either contact your child’s class teacher or the KiVa team directly:

If you have contacted the class teacher, s/he will inform the KiVa team immediately. It is then the KiVa team’s responsibility to tackle the possible bullying case with the support of the class teacher. The team will also inform the parents of students involved about further actions. Please refrain from taking further action outside your home by contacting other parents or students involved. Experience has shown this form of involvement is unproductive or even counterproductive.

A Parents’ Guide to the KiVa program is available in English on the KiVa website:  by clicking on ‘parents’. If you have any questions or concerns, the KiVa team is happy to help and support all S1 and S2 students and their families.

1. Runde der Mathematik-Olympiade 2023 an der ESFFM

Der Wettbewerb richtet sich an alle Schüler*innen der P5 - S7 unserer Schule.

Die Aufgaben können bei den Mathematiklehrkräften in gedruckter Form abgeholt oder hier heruntergeladen werden, es gilt die folgende Zuordnung:




















Lösungen können bis zum 11.10. 2023 bei den Mathematiklehrer*innen abgegeben werden.
Teilnehmer*innen erhalten das Ergebnis vor den Herbstferien von ihren Mathematiklehrkräften.
Erfolgreiche Teilnehmer*innen qualifizieren sich für die 2. Runde der Mathematik-Olympiade, die am 15.11.2023 an unsere Schule stattfinden wird.

Eine Diskussion der aktuellen Wettbewerbsaufgaben in Internetforen ist untersagt.

Viel Spaß und Erfolg wünscht die Mathematik-Fachschaft!